A 13-YEAR-OLD boy became impaled on an 8ft spike and almost lost his leg after trying to climb railings to retrieve a football.

Jadon Gotthardt had his left leg ripped open when he became trapped near the bowling green in Lowerhouse Lane, Burnley, at around 8.45pm yesterday.

The railing went right through his leg after he caught his inner-thigh on the sharp spike as he attempted to scale the railings.

Firefighters said the Ivy Bank High School pupil's leg was then ripped open as he fell.

Today, Jadon, of Carter Street, Burnley, said: "I had been playing cricket with my friends and then some others were playing football, which went over the railings.

"I went to get it not thinking of the danger but as I was going over my leg got caught and it was really painful. I know I have been very lucky."

His devastated mum Rita, 43, said: "He is such a lucky young boy, he's lucky to be alive by the sounds of it. I was in shock when I found out what had happened and I raced to the A&E department at Burnley General to be with him."

Jadon ripped his muscle and had to have 12 stitches in his leg.

Rita added: "He's realised that he made a mistake and won't be doing it again. He's in a lot of pain and is taking medication."

His dad Ray, 61, said: "We would like to say thankyou to the lady who called the ambulance. We don't know who she is but she was very good with Jadon."

Leading Firefighter Anthony Harrison said: "We had to cut open the fence for the paramedics to gain access. The young lad was in a lot of pain. He was lucky that it didn't take off his leg. If he'd have been a bit heavier it would have done."