BURNLEY boss Steve Cotterill is hoping to make his first foray into the transfer market within a week.

Cotterill today admitted to a "manic" few days since being sworn in as the new Clarets chief.

A tight Turf Moor budget means he is certain to be looking at free agents and long-term loan signings to add to the eight-man squad currently at his disposal.

But undaunted by the challenge, Cotterill revealed he has wasted little time making contact with initial targets on his wish list.

He said: "I have already spoken to a player I would like to sign. He is going on holiday in about a week, but it would be nice to have an answer before then.

"Moves are afoot with another player I need to speak to when he comes back off holiday and there will be one or two other calls going in to players today.

"Things are progressing and hopefully, all of a sudden, everything will drop into place."

Cotterill revealed he has also spoken to the five players whose contracts were not renewed at the end of Stan Ternent's reign.

David May, Paul Weller, Mark McGregor and Dean West - plus Lenny Johnrose - have all joined the lengthy list of footballers looking for work this summer.

Cotterill added: "Those five players were released and they needed to be talked to.

"I have given them a courtesy call and told them that, until I can assess what we have, they need to take any offers that come along.

"I think they knew that anyway, but I have just given them the courtesy of a call to make everything clear to them."

Meanwhile, Cliff Roberts is expected to return to the club this week as chief scout following a spell at West Ham.