TEENAGE horse rider Felicity Coulthard is hoping that a new horse will bring her new hope in her bid to make it to the Paralympics.

The cerebral palsy sufferer has come back from a broken elbow during the last few years to re-establish herself as one of the best in the country.

But she has still not attained her ultimate dream of competing in the Paralympics.

After a long and difficult 12 months of travelling around to some of the most prestigious venues in the UK, Felicity has blasted her way into a new season by qualifying for the Riding for the Disabled Association's National Dressage Championships for the fifth year running.

The qualifying competition was held at Mobberley Riding Centre in Cheshire.

Felicity, 19, of Essex Street, Darwen, is now hoping that her new horse Hammah - who she calls Harry - will help her reach her life-long goal of becoming a Paralympian.

Earlier this year Felicity was among the last five grade-two riders who took part in one of the final selection trials for thisyear's

Paralympics in Athens.

Although she did not do quite enough on the day, she is relishing the chance of riding Hammah against the likes of the current European and World Champion Nicola Tustain.

She said: "It will be a real test for me and Hammah.

"I can't expect too much in our first season, but he is a superb horse."

Before the RDA National Dressage Championships, which are to be held at Hartpury College in Gloucestershire in July, Felicity will be competing in Paralympic competitions at Myerscough College, Solihull and Warwickshire.

Success in either competition could secure her selection for the team.