A BLACKBURN man made annoying and obscene phone calls to a 15-year-old girl he became obsessed with.

And Blackburn magistrates heard the obsession continued for nearly four years with Naveed Arshad phoning the girl repeatedly despite her changing her mobile phone number four times.

Arshad, 22, of St Stephens Road, pleaded guilty to harassing the girl and assaulting her. He was remanded on bail until June 11 for the preparation of a pre-sentence report with conditions that he does not contact the girl and does not approach her home address.

Francis McIntee, prosecuting, said the calls had started when the girl was just 15-years-old. There had been several complaints to the police but no action had been taken because there was no firm evidence.

On Wednesday she was going for a takeaway when she was approached by Arshad. He grabbed hold of her and started shouting at her. He pushed her against a wall and then punched her about the neck and shoulders.

When interviewed by police Arshad accepted there had been a degree of harassment. He said there had never been a relationship between the two of them but he felt she was playing mind games with him. He admitted the assault but said it was his attempt to get her away from him.