HE might only be eight years old but Nathan Haworth is getting ready to represent Britain against the rest of the globe.

The Blackburn youngster will jet off to New York in August as the UK's entry to the World Beyblade Championships.

Beyblades are modern day spinning tops that have become so popular a spin-off cartoon series has been produced.

Players pull cords from the tops to send the toys smashing into each other - the last standing is the winner.

It has been Britain's top-selling toy for two years.

Nathan recently won the British championships at Chessington World of Adventures after regional heats in Manchester. Other stages were held in Glasgow and Southampton.

But he battled and out-manoeuvred fellow competitors - aged eight to 14 - with hundreds taking part.

Nathan, of Peel Mount, Knuzden, said: "I'm really happy and can't believe I've won. I've never been to America before and can't wait to go. It'll be really tough so I'll be working on some new moves."

At the UK finals, the Intack Primary School pupil battled through five games in three hours. He was accompanied by his dad, Philip, and 13-year-old pal Lance Plachciak.

Nathan will depart for the US with 11-year-old sister Emily, mum Alison Pickering and his dad. If he wins, he will become the first Briton crowned world champion.

His mum said: "I'm very proud of him and pleased about his success. I've never been to New York before. I'm really looking forward to going there in the summer."