THEY baa-ffled motorists and caused a few sheepish grins among passers-by.

But now a flock of ornamental plastic sheep has been removed after falling victim to rustlers.

The 50-strong flock formed part of an open-air advertising gimmick promoting the new Stanley House Hotel complex being built off Preston New Road, Mellor, by spelling out "...Sh!".

But now after jokers made off with some of the plastic pals, bosses at the hotel have decided that the sheep have finally served their purpose.

Four of the concrete-filled sheep turned up at the sixth form centre at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School in West Park Road, Blackburn, but have since been returned.

A couple of students were looking sheepish about the ovine appearance according to development director Phil Lloyd.

"I can only guess the sheep wanted to take part in our farewell to our Upper Sixth Form when they began their study leave," said Mr Lloyd.

Another sheep was discovered dumped behind a bus shelter and a fifth has turned up at a mystery household - minus an ear and a leg. The new anonymous owner, who has nicknamed the sheep 'Norman', even posted a picture of their new plastic pal to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph saying: "Are they still looking for this beast? It turned up at my house with a leg and an ear missing."

Keith Holden, general manager of Leehand Leisure, which owns the Stanley House Hotel, said: "We have taken the sheep away - not because they were being removed but because we believe they have served their purpose.

They have certainly proved a talking point.

Somebody apparently tried to get on a bus with one, but the conductor wouldn't let them and he came to tell us they had dumped it behind a bus shelter.

"In the future we will be concentrating on other advertising campaigns for the hotel."