A MAN had his hand sliced in two when he was attacked with a Samurai sword in a Burnley street.

The victim's right hand split from between his fingers to his wrist after trying to defend himself during the incident, in Stoneyholme at around 2am.

Police said the victim, as Asian man in his 20s, was set upon by a group of 12 Asian men after an altercation in Brougham Street.

Doctors at the Royal Preston Hospital were today battling to save his hand.

Police said three cars pulled up in Brougham Street before the men jumped out and the attack took place.

They said the argument was believed to be related to a family issue.

Inspector Richard Clare said the Samurai sword-brandishing attacker took a swipe at the man who raised his hands to defend himself from the blade.

The attackers then ran off and the injured man ran to his sister's house nearby and she called for an ambulance.

Insp Clare said the man's hand was almost sliced in two down to his wrist.

Insp Clare said: "This was a particularly nasty attack carried out mainly by one offender. There were around 12 men in the group who arrived in three cars.

"The blade went right through the palm of his hand. He then made his way to his sisters house who called for an ambulance and contacted the police.

"The man was taken to the Royal Preston Hospital for surgery to his hand. We are still waiting for news as to whether the surgery has been successful and on his condition.

"Although a few witnesses have come forward with information we would appeal to the wider community for information regarding this incident."

Anybody with information should contact Burnley police on 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.