A BANNED driver put his freedom at risk driving to the local shops, Burnley magistrates heard.

The court was told how Andrew Allen Reay, 41, had spent a few days in custody after the offence. He had not been behind bars since 1984 and it had been an extreme shock to him.

Reay, of Cog Lane, Burnley, was given a 12-month community rehabilitation order and 100 hours' community punishment, concurrent to a present order. The bench told the defendant if he had driven any further he would be going to custody. The chairman added: "I have to say it's been your lucky day."

Reay was also banned for four years. John Nuttall, defending, said Reay had nipped to the local shops and back. The defendant had found himself work in Scotland and had rid himself of his drug habit. Mr Nuttall added custody had been a shock for the defendant and that was possibly enough to turn his mind to what he needed to do in the future.