A BURNLEY accountant has scooped more than £20,000 on the BBC's National Lottery show.

Joanne Halsall, 37, of Brownhill Avenue, won the prize money on the In It to Win It show on Saturday.

The mum-of-one bagged the cash after giving the correct answer of Coleridge to the question 'Who wrote the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner?'

She said she plans to spend the money on her son Paul, who has just left Liverpool University, her mum and on an exotic holiday for herself.

Joanne, who works at Cassons, Manchester Road, said: "I thought I'd have a try at applying to go on the show, but I never imagined I'd be picked.

"I was so nervous about appearing on TV that I wasn't able to relax and enjoy it at all. I had never done anything like that before in my life.

"Answering the final question correctly and realising I had won the money was just unbelievable.

"I'm going to give some to my son so he can go travelling and some to my mum and I'll treat myself by going away somewhere."

Dale Winton presents the quiz show The National Lottery: In It To Win It on Saturday night on BBC 1.

Five contestants compete to win a big money jackpot. The players must first get into Winners' Row and once they are there each correct answer adds £5,000 to the prize fund.