FIRE CHIEFS today reiterated the need for people to have smoke alarms fitted in their homes.

The call comes after a man averted danger when he fell asleep and a blaze broke out in his flat last night.

The man had been cooking food in the kitchen of his home in Colne Road, Nelson, at 10.30pm before nodding off.

The pan overheated and set on fire shortly afterwards.

But it was thanks to his smoke alarm that he managed to escape the fire and call for help.

Sub Officer Dave Robinson said: "This could have been a lot worse if he hadn't have been woken up by the smoke alarm.

"There was quite a lot of damage in the kitchen and a lot of smoke damage caused to the rest of the flat.

"We would urge anybody who hasn't already got an alarm to contact us so that they can have one fitted for free."

Anybody wanting a free smoke alarm should contact the new hotline on 0800 169 1125.