A CHURCH hall has been granted an entertainment licence covering 14 hours a day, seven days a week.

Councillors took the unusual step of granting the licence at a meeting, after hearing from church leaders at St Joseph's Parochial Centre, Accrington, that their average weekly takings on the bar were just £40.

Father Martin Saunders, parish priest, told the meeting of Hyndburn Council's judicial committee that the church hall was only used for parish purposes. He said the hall was only likely to be used late at night for events such as New Year's Eve. More afternoon events would be held.

He reassured residents of the area that the move would not mean late night parties.

The hall, in Belgarth Road, has been covered by a licence for years. It previously ran from Monday to Saturday, 6pm to midnight. Now the hall can be used from Monday to Sunday, from 10am to midnight.