PAUL Dickov has revealed how eager he is to put the bad times behind him as he kicks off a new life at Blackburn Rovers.

Graeme Souness's first summer signing was unveiled yesterday after the striker signed from Leicester City on a two-year deal for £150,000, as revealed in later editions of yesterday's Evening Telegraph.

And Dickov immediately announced his determination to recover from what he described as the 'worst time' of his life.

Dickov hit the headlines in March when he and Leicester team-mates Frank Sinclair and Keith Gillespie were arrested after being accused of sexual assault while on a club trip to La Manga.

The trio spent nine days in a Spanish jail before the charges were dropped and they were released.

The incident came just months after Dickov's father died, but with his name now cleared, he is fighting fit and raring to have another crack at the Premiership at Ewood Park.

Dickov said: "The last four or five months of the season were the worst time of my life. I lost my father at Christmas and the La Manga stuff knocked me for six because it was all lies.

"But it's over and done with now. I can start afresh, put it all behind me and start a new chapter in my life."

During the harrowing ordeal in Spain, the players feared for their footballing futures, but Dickov insists the experience never affected his appetite for the game.

He said: "Even after La Manga, when I got out the first thing I said to the manager, Micky Adams, was could I play in the following game.

"Football is a massive thing for me and not playing football again never even crossed my mind.

"The first few games after that took a bit of getting used to, which is understandable when you've been through something as dramatic as that.

"Before the La Manga thing I thought I was mentally strong anyway but when you go through something like that you know you have to be."

The release clause in Dickov's contract allowed him to depart the Walker's Stadium for a cut-price fee, alerting the attention of a host of Premiership clubs.

But the 31-year-old, who still owns a property in the Manchester area and will be moving there with his wife and three children, is adamant he has made the right choice.

Dickov said: "I'm delighted. There were a few clubs who were interested because of my release clause from Leicester.

"I spoke to a few but I spoke to the manager here and other people who were ex-players at the club. It was a hard decision to leave Leicester but an easy decision to join Blackburn.

"Last season it was disappointing getting relegated but to score 14 goals in a relegated team proved to myself that I can hack it at this level.

"I did well in games against the big boys and it gives you a taste for it."

Dickov also said that a move back to the north west, where he spent five years at Manchester City, would have met his late father's approval.

He added: "He used to get down quite a bit to watch me when I played up here. I know he's looking down on me and will be pleased I moved here."

Meanwhile, Rovers are also confident of agreeing a new contract with Jonathon Douglas and an announcement is expected later this week.

And Graeme Souness is also thought to be weighing up a possible move for Leeds United defender Dominic Matteo.