YOUNG readers across Ramsbottom are being invited to this year's annual Children's Book Festival.

Pre-booked groups of school children from across the borough have been invited to Bury's libraries to listen and interact with established authors, poets, storytellers and illustrators for free.

Family entertainment will kick start the festival with storyteller Geoff Bennett becoming "Cowboy Joe" providing music, magic, storytelling and singalongs.

The event starts on Saturday, June 12, and runs to Friday, June 25.

Children of all ages are invited to Ramsbottom Library on the first day to enjoy the fun.

Sessions start at 10.15am and 11.45am.

Some popular performers, such as author Rob Lewis, are making a return visit while new faces will include poet David Harmer and artist Vinata Godbole, who will be introducing music, dance and storytelling through performance.

Diana Sorrigan, the council's principal librarian, said: "The popularity of the festival builds each year.

"We are looking forward to meeting the authors and the extra 1,500 children expected through our library doors in the next fortnight.

A full programme of events can be found at each public library as well as on library website