A 31-year-old man went to his former partner's home and burst her nose after she told him to leave.

And Blackburn magistrates heard that while he was on bail for that offence Anthony Preece went back to her home and was only stopped from breaking in when he was threatened with a statuette.

Preece, of Parker Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to criminal damage, using threatening behaviour towards Paula Gardner and assaulting her causing actual bodily harm. He was jailed for six months by district judge Peter Ward who said the term domestic violence was sometimes used to suggest it made matters less serious.

"In many ways it makes matters worse," said Mr Ward.

Peter Wild, prosecuting, said the assault took place on May 25. Miss Gardner had been at home and about 10.45pm her friend left the house.

"At this point she found her ex-partner standing in the kitchen," said Mr Wild. "She told him to leave but he took hold of her hair, pulled her head down towards the work surface and then hit her, bursting her nose."

On June 5 Miss Gardner was at home with her brother and a friend when at about midnight she began to receive text messages from Preece. Ten minutes later there was a loud bang at the front door and then Preece shouted: "I'm going to kill you."

"He then smashed the living room window and started to climb through," said Mr Wild. "Miss Gardner's brother picked up a statue and on seeing that Preece went back and ran off."

Kevin Preston, defending, said: "A combination of alcohol and frustration led to him committing the offences you have heard about."