AS Royal Mail's Head of External Relations North, I feel I must respond to your article on June 17 ('Anger after post chiefs snub group') and the associated comment piece.

It is true that Post Office Ltd turned down a request from Whitebirk and Intack Residents' Association for a meeting to discuss the proposed closure of Whitebirk Post Office. However, it is completely unfair to state that we have "snubbed" this group, and "made a real mockery of the whole consultation process".

Your piece asks: "How can Royal Mail say it is listening, then turn down the request from Whitebirk and Intack Residents' Association to attend its meeting?"

If your reporter had contacted Post Office Ltd, we would have provided an answer to this question and so given your readers a more balanced view of the public consultation process.

When we propose a post office closure, we write to every local authority and the appropriate MP explaining what we are proposing and why, and offering to meet with them so that local concerns can be raised and discussed.

Most communities have any number of other, non-elected groups and associations, and it clearly wouldn't be possible for us to meet with them all. We therefore prioritise, and offer meetings to MPs and councils, because these are the people whom residents have elected to represent them.

In the case of Whitebirk Post Office, we wrote on June 16 to local authorities and MPs, and we look forward to hearing from them.

We would be pleased to meet with them as part of the local consultation process.

Alternatively, any group or individual should write directly to us with their views at the following address: Post Office Ltd. C/o National Consultation Team, PO Box 2060, Watford, WD18 8ZW.

All views whether written or verbal will be fully taken into account before any decision is taken.

I hope this clarifies the situation.

LORRAINE WHITEHOUSE (Head of External Relations North), Royal Mail, Salford.