A FORMER clerical worker at Lancashire Constabulary has been awarded two out-of-court settlements following her resignation from the force.

Margaret Fallon, 59, of Longton, agreed the first settlement for constructive dismissal in January 2002, and another for work related stress last week.

Mrs Fallon resigned from her job as store keeper at the force headquarters, Hutton, in March 2001, after she claimed she was wrongly accused of stock irregularities in April 2000.

She says she was not able to get another job until November 2001 because of the stress and anxiety that the ordeal had caused her.

"I feel vindicated by the out-of-court settlements. I can get on with my life now," said the mother-of-two who works as a ward hostess at a private hospital.

Lancashire police declined to comment on the details of the case.