A CAREER in the movies beckons for a Preston student after entering a north west film festival.

Martin Hamblen, who attends the University of Central Lancashire, hopes his film, U Seen Already, will get him noticed at the Kinofilm 2004 9th Manchester International Short Film Festival.

Fine art student, Martin, 32, of Franklands Fold, Longton, based the 20-minute film around the eerie feeling of dja vu.

And he plays all four of the film's different characters who, while unrelated, are all on a mission to leave the past behind.

Special effects include samples of speeches by Prime Minister, Tony Blair, a recording of the police's cautionary arrest warning and piano music.

Martin, who admires the work of director, Sergio Leone of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly fame, said: "I'm glad my film has made it to the festival and can't wait to see what the reaction will be."

The final year degree student's entry will be screened alongside other new shorts from the UK and Ireland at the festival, from October 27-31 which draws critics and distributors from around the world.

But this is not Martin's first showing. Two years ago he won the accolade, Best Experimental Film, at a film contest at the Cornerhouse, in Manchester.