THOUSANDS of people lapped up the feast of military music at the annual Beating Retreat ceremony at the weekend.

It was standing room only at Fulwood Barracks, Watling Street Road, Preston, on Saturday evening, as spectators flocked to the free concert and pageant led by The King's Division Normandy Band.

Young musicians of the Mass Bands of North West Army Cadets serenaded visitors on their arrival ahead of a march on parade by the Old Comrades' Association and music from The Lancashire Artillery Volunteers' Band and The North West Infantry (TA) (King's) Band.

Former Ashton-on-Ribble High School pupil, Katy McClelland, brought wartime memories to life with renditions of songs made famous by Dame Vera Lynn during the Second World War.

Dressed in a uniform typical of the era, the 19-year-old made a grand entrance perched on an army jeep before bursting into a line-up of classic songs including White Cliffs of Dover and We'll Meet Again, winning rapturous applause.

Explosive gun fire heralded the guns-into-action race, with two Territorial Army teams competing to be the first to fire a 105 Light Field Gun, with deafening effect.

Roger Goodwin, spokesman for the army in the North West, said: "Despite it being one of the coldest June nights, the event was a great success and the public stands were full.

"It was pleasing to see the youngsters of the cadet bands standing their own alongside the other high calibre bands."

The event is expected to have exceeded its £7,000 target with all proceeds going to the Army Benevolent Fund.