REMEMBER those crunchy round crisps called Ringos - the ones you used to get in your lunchbox next to a Taxi bar or a Penguin?

One man in Leyland remembers them so fondly he has launched a campaign to get the snack put back on supermarket shelves.

Stephen Marriott, 40, of Golden Hill Lane, Leyland, started a petition three weeks ago to get his favourite snack brought back and has created a website to publicise it.

Ringos, launched in 1973, were hugely popular in the 1970s and 80s, but were phased out after the ingredients were changed in the early 1990s and sales dwindled.

"I want to see Ringos back on the shelves, they were just so delicious, especially the cheese and onion, and salt and vinegar flavours", said Stephen, a postman.

"There are too many people, in this day and age, not fighting for what they believe in," said Stephen. "People out there still want Ringos, and if I keep fighting I can get them brought back," added the father-of-three.

The novice campaigner has even trawled up and down Hough Lane, Leyland, with a placard to rally support for his crusade.

He may get his way as Ringos manufacturer, Golden Wonder, say if he collects 10,000 signatures, the company will consider his request.

Stephen added: "My family are 100 per cent behind me, but they do think that I am a bit daft."

So far his campaign has recorded 4,500 hits on the website and he has had a good response on the streets of Leyland.

Golden Wonder's brand manager Claire Aitken said: "We get a lot of emails about this brand but Stephen was so keen we just could not ignore him.

"We are taking the campaign seriously and if he can prove there is demand we will act accordingly."