AN ANONYMOUS Preston businessman has pledged £1million to help set up a centre for homeless people in the city.

The windfall takes the charity Emmaus Lancashire to the half-way point in securing the £2million needed for the centre, the location of which is yet to be confirmed.

Project manager Danny Gallagher welcomed the news. He said: "I'm absolutely thrilled we've got the first million and I'm excited, we're tantalisingly close to Emmaus being born in Preston.

"It's good to see it all coming together."

The homeless charity, which was first set up in France in 1949, already has nine communities in the UK, and 13 more in the process of being established.

"If all goes smoothly, we could see Emmaus Preston up and running before the end of next year," said Mr Gallagher.

Emmaus Lancashire has put in bids for £300,000 of lottery cash, and £382,000 from the European Regional Development Fund, as well as grants from various trust funds.

The news has also been welcomed by Mike Bertram, manager of The Merriweather Home, that provides long-term accommodation for young people up to the age of 25.

He said: "There is a gap in Preston for long-term living facilities for people over the age of 25.

"We often have people knock on our door but we have to turn them away because they are too old.

"Emmaus is a brilliant idea particularly because it takes people who want to be there, I am very glad something is being done."

Once they reach the £2million mark and the site is confirmed, work will start on getting the local project up and running.

The charity, which has former Beirut hostage Terry Waite as its president, works by establishing self-contained, self-sufficient, secular 'communities', in which around 25-30 homeless people, referred to as 'companions', work for a small wage and their board and lodgings. They recycle furniture and bric-a-brac to sell in a shop, or take over the running of a cafe, both of which are open the public.

"It's all about giving people a bed and a reason to get out of it," said Mr Gallagher.

The fundraising moves up a gear on Sunday July 18 when Emmaus Lancashire launch the second Millennium Ribble Link Sponsored Walk and Family Fun Day.

There will be fun for everyone with stalls and shows at the Citizen-supported event on Haslam Park, Ashton, where the six mile walk begins and ends, led by town crier Mike Chapman.

Fundraisers are hoping to double last year's amount and help raise £7,000 toward the new centre.

Mr Gallagher said: "The walk really reflects the ethos of Emmaus and the idea of having a family, which is something that homeless people lack.

"It should hopefully be a really successful day with plenty for families young and old to do."