BLOOMING chimney pots and flowering troughs seem to be the latest 'must-have' accessory among thieves.

Police have revealed that gardens are being targeted for their ornamental plant holders.

The latest spate of thefts took place in Caton overnight last Friday, when two gardens on Brookhouse Road were raided.

Thieves stole an old terracotta chimney pot and wheelbarrow from one garden, together worth £140, and two brown Victorian-style chimney pots worth £80 from another.

Hornby Road suffered three hits that same night.

A £200 sink full of plants was taken from one garden, two chimney pots and a blooming stone trough from another and a £100 two-feet-six stone cherub from the third.

A police spokesman is warning residents to be on their guard.

"It is a safe bet to assume more than one person is involved. People should look out for suspicious characters and not be hesitant to call 999 to report suspicious activity."