SIXTY sheep have been saved from slaughter thanks to a Lancaster animal sanctuary.

The creatures were destined for dinner tables following the sale of their South Wales farm.

But Animal Care at Blea Tarn stepped in to offer a temporary home to half of the Welsh and Welsh-cross Dorsets until they can be sent on to pastures new.

A sanctuary close to the Welsh farm has taken in the other 30 sheep.

Animal Care manager Stephen Wakelin says the sheep - the youngest of which is six years old - arrived earlier this month and are now being sheared and having their feet trimmed ready to go on to new homes.

He says: "When the grass stops growing we can't afford to be feeding a flock of 30 sheep, but wwant them to live until they die naturally, not because someone wants to eat them. We have saved them from that.

"They would have to go in pairs at least. They are flock animals and scared.

"We are hoping there might be people with big paddocks who want something to keep the grass down - and these animals could live for a decade."

The sanctuary also has 90 cats at the sanctuary and on a waiting list in need of new homes, along with up to 60 dogs.

Anyone who can help find homes for the animals at the sanctuary, or volunteer, should contact Animal Care on 01524-65459 or log on to their website