A GAME of hide-and-seek ended in tragedy when a young boy fell into a dock near Lancaster and drowned.

Six-year-old Christopher Martin, of Bolton-le-Sands, had been playing with his dad on Father's Day when he disappeared at Glasson Dock.

Members of the public joined a search for Christopher on Sunday evening.

But police say he had fallen into the marina unnoticed, and his body was found underneath a jetty some time later.

Emergency services were called at about 6.30pm and paramedics tried to revive Christopher at the scene.

Despite their efforts and those of staff at Royal Lancaster Infirmary, where he was taken, Christopher was pronounced dead on Sunday evening.

A police spokesman said it was 'a tragic accident'.

In a statement, his parents said: "The family of Christopher Martin are devastated by the accident that caused his death at Glasson Dock on Sunday.

"Christopher was a lovely child with a special place in the hearts of those who loved him.

"We ask the members of the press to respect our grief and privacy at this difficult time."

DCI Martyn Leveridge, of Lancaster Police, explained that police investigate every sudden death, but said: "In this case, it is a tragic accident and there are no suspicious circumstances.

"The coroner has been informed of the circumstances and a post mortem will be taking place.

"It is a tragedy for all concerned. We can only offer our condolences to the family. With it being Father's Day, there is an added poignancy.

"We have to work very closely with the family to help get them over a very difficult period."

Christopher attended Bolton-le-Sands C of E School.

His head teacher Tim Cross said this week: "It is with great sadness that the school has learned of the tragic death of one of our Year One children. Christopher Martin will be greatly missed by the whole school community.

"Our hearts go out to his family at this difficult time."

The Vicar of Holy Trinity, Bolton-le-Sands, the Rev Tom Maidment, said the family were members of his congregation but that he could not add anything to their statement.