HUSBAND and wife councillors Doug and Sandra Hayes have been appointed crime and disorder 'czars' in Hyndburn.

The long-serving Tory councillors have been appointed as chairman and vice-chairman, respectively, of the newly-formed overview and scrutiny committee for community safety and community wellbeing.

The crime-busting duo will take charge of the body, a watchdog which looks at the borough's community safety initiatives, and will also suggest new plans to cut crime in the borough. Coun Doug Hayes is the St Oswald's Ward representative, and Coun Sandra Hayes is Immanuel ward councillor. Between them they have served on the council for more than 30 years.

Coun Doug Hayes said: "This is an exciting role, we all want a safer Hyndburn and the creation of these roles is a key move toward this.

"We will be very much working in partnership to tackle anti-social behaviour across the borough and to monitor projects relating to the health and wellbeing of Hyndburn residents."

Coun Sandra Hayes said: "I'm delighted that the importance of community safety has been further recognised by the creation of these roles and I'm looking forward to getting to work on the Committee."

The committee will be responsible for looking at the work of the Hyndburn Community Safety Partnership, and looking at ways to tackle burglary, violent crime, and anti-social behaviour.

The new roles were created in response to concerns about safety from residents of Hyndburn. Coun Peter Britcliffe, leader of the council, said: "During the election campaign I was constantly asked about anti-social behaviour and crime and disorder in the borough. Community Safety is at the forefront of people's minds in Hyndburn, and that is why we've made it a council priority and created the roles of these crime and disorder 'supremos'.

"As chairman and vice-chairman Doug and Sandra will be able to bring their skills and years of experience to these vital roles."