IT'S great that England's footballers are doing so well in the competition in Portugal and that so many people are showing their true colours by flying St George's flags from their houses and cars.

But it begs the question as to where these new-found patriots have been hiding until now. And what's worse, will they go back into hiding once the football team is out of Euro 2004?

The Welsh are proud to wear daffodils and shout about St David's Day, the Scots are even more upfront with their Burns Night and St Andrew's Day - and then there's the Irish with St Patrick's Day parades and the like.

But how many English people even know where St George's Day falls in the calendar? Or should I ask how few?

I would love to think some of this Englishness will stick after the football has gone away - but I doubt it.

J Ferguson, Morecambe.