I HAVE been appalled recently by so many reports of frail elderly people being abused by care workers in so-called nursing homes up and down the country.

When are we going to see a change in the law to protect these vulnerable older people? After all, many of us may end up in the same predicament.

I witnessed neglect and lack of respect when my father was in a home, and although I complained several times it made no difference.

It was things like the absence of drinks and the sheer lack of respect for elderly people, which appalled me.

If the people who run these homes are only in it for the money, as appears to be the case, then obviously they do not care who they employ.

I was sickened when I saw just a snippet of a recent programme on ITV. Where has decency gone because it seems that sadly some care assistants may even enjoy handling someone's mother, father or sister in a rough and callous way.

I realise that far from all care workers are like this and that the vast majority are probably compassionate and caring.

But something must be done soon to halt the problem of the rogues who are giving the whole profession a bad name.

Kathy Stewart, Hest Bank.