I READ the letter from Chris Amriding (Citizen, last week) with interest - and found myself agreeing with him.

I, too, would have painted anything, anywhere, any size just to get noticed.

However, I have been fortunate to have the support of friends, family and the community in the West End - that's right, I have something good to say about the people of the West End - and my paintings now sell as fast as I can do them, though each only serves to fund my next painting.

I sell through word of mouth and there are times when I would gladly give it up as it seems that my efforts are ignored by more socially acceptable artists, even though I consider some of their work to be inferior to my own.

But I refuse to give up and have an offer to make to all other struggling artists out there - let us fly in the face of convention and form our own little group with the specific purpose of exhibiting our art ourselves in our own way.

As a group we could and would achieve more. There are premises available all over the place and I can be ready to exhibit within six months. It may not suit all but I can wait if necessary.

I am not on the phone but anyone interested can write to me at the address below.

G W McLelland Flat 9, 71/73 West End Road, Morecambe LA4 4DR.