A CHANGE of date for the running of the annual Darren Jones Clougha Pike fell race failed to have the desired effect on Saturday.

It had been hoped a summer start plus a shorter and tougher course would encourage extra runners to compete - but there was a slight drop in numbers.

It didn't bother Bowland runner Mark Croasdale, though, as he led the five mile race with 1,400 feet of ascent home in 34.44 minutes - almost a full four minutes ahead of second placed Mark Chippendale of Horwich.

Top local runners included: 5th Mark Chippendale (Bowland); 6th Richard Mellon (Bowland); 10th and 2nd vet Frank McTominay (Lanc & Morecambe); 16th & 1st vet over 50 Bernard Hall (Bowland); 21st and Under 21 winner John Gorst (Ripley Sch);

36th & 1st woman vet Jo Taylor (Lanc & Morecambe); 48th & 1st vet over 60 Alan Strachan.