MP Janet Anderson has raised fears that local cats could be at risk of a feline hating 'Jack the Ripper'.

She hopes that by presenting a petition on the issue in the House of Commons action will be taken to try and find out why so many cats are going missing.

Mrs Anderson has presented a petition of more than 1,000 signatures to the Commons on the issue raised by Miss Muriel Elliott of Foxhill Drive, Whitewell Bottom.

She has already asked the police and RSPCA to look into the claims.

The petition reads: "A great many pets have been stolen from the Rossendale area.

"We request that the House of Commons urge the Government to make provision for the protection of pets and for the return of stolen pets to their rightful owners."

Mrs Anderson took the move after worried owners kept coming to her expressing concern over an epidemic of lost pets with claims that 11 went missing in just two weeks.

Owners fear that the animals are being kidnapped or killed by a cat-hater.

Mrs Anderson said: "I decided to take the petition to Parliament to try and ensure that the police and other authorities in Rossendale take action. We need to find out what has been happening.

"Many people are very concerned about the disappearance of their pets, mainly cats. Something needs to be done.

"Is there someone in the Valley with a vendetta against these poor animals, a feline Jack the Ripper? Or are vivisectionists on the prowl? I have asked the police and RSPCA in Rossendale to investigate."

Muriel fears her cat, Mr Darcy, was taken last year for his fur and wants to warn people in Rossendale to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

She said: "It makes me feel sick to think there are criminals out here doing things like this.

"I can't bear to think of him being tortured, which is why I want to highlight the problem to prevent more animals from being taken."

Community beat manager PC Chris Adams said: "We've had a number of reports of missing cats in this area and we are looking into the matter."