"LESS outspoken and more circumspect." Surely this can't be a pledge from the Fylde's environmentally-friendly Euro-MP and newly elected leader of Europe's 12-strong British Liberal Democrat group - Chris Davies?

"I'll still be as vociferous as ever on environmental and consumer issues," says Mr Davies, 49.

"But I'll be expressing my opinions without embarrassing other members of my party."

The Lytham-born politician - one of the UK's most publicised MEPs - has often been in the spotlight during his five years in office.

This is mainly due to his "controversial" views on environmental and consumer issues, as well as his unwavering support for the adoption of a new EU constitution.

But the Stockport-based father-of-one claims that his new appointment will do nothing to dampen his "enthusiasm" for his North West constituency.

Mr Davies said: "As group leader I have taken on more responsibilities and will pulled in other directions from time to time.

"But I want to make it clear that I do not intend to start taking a back seat on the issues which matter to the North West.

"I believed that politicians should make every effort to promote their work in dealing with constituents concerns and European issues.

"And - now that I'm going to be joined by a new North West colleague in Saj Karim, as well as a number of colleagues from the new EU states - I shall lead by example and continue to represent the region with my usual enthusiasm."