A 22-YEAR-OLD Blackburn man charged with harassing a 15-year-old girl has been remanded in custody after magistrates heard the preparation of a pre-sentence report raised 'considerable concerns".

Blackburn magistrates heard that since reports were ordered it had been discovered that Naveed Arshad had received a police caution for two indecent assaults on a 15-year-old girl in the Kirkham area.

And Arshad admitted he targeted the girl because she reminded him of his victim in the Blackburn case.

He also told a probation officer his victim would get "another slap" and suggested she had been "asking for it".

Arshad, of St Stephen's Road, had previously admitted harassing and assaulting the girl, now aged 18.

He admitted breach of bail conditions by making contact with her. Magistrates ordered the preparation of a psychiatric report and remanded Arshad in custody until July 16.

The court had previously heard that Arshad made annoying and obscene phone calls to the girl. Calls had started when she was 15 years old.

Francis McIntee, prosecuting, said the suggestion made to the probation service that she was "asking for it" was cause for concern in itself.

John Dewhurst, defending, said the breach of bail had not been a deliberate act but a chance meeting.