A CONCERNED mum urged police to take urgent action to reduce traffic speed in the Stoops Estate area after a young child was knocked down.

Residents used last night's Police Authority meeting at Burnley Town Hall to air their views.

Patricia Dolan, who lives in Como Avenue with her two children Aisling, 10, and Megan, nine, said the street and surrounding areas were being used as a rat run for speedy drivers.

Patricia, recently appointed secretary of the newly formed Stoops Estate Residents' Association, said: "The residents want to know if anything can be done as soon as possible. We have no traffic calming measures and it's a massive problem with the road being used as a rat run.

"Recently a young boy was flung over a car bonnet after being knocked over. Fortunately he was alright, but it could have been a lot worse.

"There have been several near-misses recently and I fear a serious accident will happen before any action is taken. It needs speed humps."

Brian Fenn, chairman of the Burnley Community Action Group, added: "On the Stoops Estate, joy riders and other motorists are using avenues as a race track where there are children knocking around."

Chief Inspector Chris Bithell spoke at the meeting to reassure residents. He said police representatives will meet regularly with residents' groups, councillors and headteachers.

He added: "We realise it's a problem. We are taking action and over the last six months we have compounded 18 unlicensed vehicles which have been taken to be destroyed."