A BURNLEY mother today branded a demolition site a 'death trap' and called on the council to take urgent action.

Roseann Adam, of Leyland Road, raised the alarm a month ago, urging the local authority to cordon off the site.

But her fears worsened last week - when she noticed children playing inside the half-demolished mill.

The former Express Gifts site has been partly knocked down to make way for a new housing development.

And with the school holidays just around the corner, Mrs Adam fears the site is a serious accident waiting to happen.

Roseann, 41, who is married to John, 36, urged other parents to warn their children to stay away from the danger.

She said: "I have a four-year-old child and there's no way I would let him out alone.

"But some of the older children are going in and playing amongst all the rubble and glass.

"The front of the building hasn't been taken down yet.

"It's a death trap but nobody seems to be taking any notice.

"We welcome the new housing because we would rather have that than a dangerous old building as an eyesore in the neighbourhood."

Roseann, who works at the Asda store in Burnley, added: "I am very worried about it. The other day I saw some school children going in to explore. I dread to think what could have happened.

"I think parents need to be aware of this and warn their children against going anywhere near it.

"The council need to stand up and take action.

"They don't want it splashed all over the newspapers when a child is killed. It needs to be cordoned off and the rubble cleared to prevent anything like this from happening."

A spokesman for Burnley Council said: "The council does not own Park Mill and the responsibility for site safety and security rests with the owners, Panorama Living Ltd.

"Notice of an intention to demolish has been received and demolition works have commenced. However, the demolition process has been suspended pending the outcome of a current planning application and discussions with English Heritage.

"An agreement has been reached with the owners to maintain the security of the site perimeter and to remove dangerous glazing and brick work facing the adjacent highway.

"In the meantime, the council is in close contact with the owners to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect the safety of the public."