A NEW play area and community gardens at a Nelson family centre is to be opened by a Government minister.

Children's Minister Margaret Hodge will visit St Philip's family centre tomorrow to open the latest phase.

The Leeds Road centre, which helps parents into work, is run by the Blackburn Diocesan Board of Social Responsibility. The minister's visit forms part of a tour of projects in East Lancashire operated by the Diocesan body.

Sarah Hodgkinson, project co-ordinator for the centre, said the MP will be told about the work the centre does in the community.

She saddedaid: "The children will be involved in making a presentation to Margaret Hodge.

"Letting them talk about their experiences is the best way to tell the minister how good the family centre is and what it has achieved."

Work to improve the appearance of the churchyard and play facilities at the centre started last November.

The majority of funding for the project came from the Pendle Partnership through the European Development Fund and the Single Regeneration Budget. It also received support for the project from Groundwork East Lancashire.

Dennis Mendoros, chairman of Pendle Partnership, said parents have been able to return to work because of the services the centre provides.

He said: "The family centre shows what can be achieved if people work together and we make effective use of regeneration funds.

"By providing affordable childcare the centre has allowed many parents in the area to go back to work, attend job interviews or study."

Following the official opening of the new children's play area and community gardens the family centre will be renaminged the Grassroots Family Centre @ St Philips in recognition of the grassroots support from the community.