TWO East Lancashire police officers who pulled a man from a burning building have been handed a rare commendation for their bravery.

PC Dave Williams and Sergeant Martin Knight, of Accrington Police, were given a letter of appreciation by the area's top fire officer for their actions on March 4.

The brave duo were patrolling Accrington by car when they heard the sound of breaking glass and saw smoke billowing from a flat in St

Leger Court, off Manchester Road.

They forced their way into the home and rescued the occupant - a man in his thirties - without the proper equipment or training.

Yesterday, they were presented with a certificate at Accrington Community Fire Station by firefighters who acknowledged that someone could have died had it not been for their actions.

PC Williams, of Rossendale, and Sergeant Knight, of Chorley, had to crawl on the floor of the flat towards the confused victim at about 1am.

They managed to find him, catching sight of his feet, and dragged him to safety.

St Leger Court has a number of flats for elderly people and the officers feared someone could be helpless to get out - so forced their way in ahead of the fire service.

Sergeant Knight said: "Our first thought was possibly that there was an elderly person inside.

"We had no idea what to expect when we went in - we knew it was on fire but not to what extent.

"That was all, until we reached the top of the stairs."

PC Williams added: "I had never seen anything like that before. The smoke gets straight in your lungs.

"What people say about not thinking before you do something like that, it's true. You don't think at all, you just get on with it."

In the framed letter of commendation the officers were praised for potentially saving a life.

Mick Frankland, eastern area commander for the fire service, said: "The firefighters recognise what is involved in rescuing someone from a burning building. We praise the efforts they have made in rescuing him.

"By giving them certificates and inviting them here today we want to make them feel part of the community."