ONLINE training packages means the end of the line for paper-based portfolios.

For local training provider JHP Training is offering an alternative to "paper-based" portfolios for candidates undertaking Modern Apprenticeships and NVQ (National Vocational Qualifications) training.

JHP has one of its 45 national offices in Barcroft Street, Bury, and works closely with Connexions and local schools employers throughout the region.

Explaining the new package, Bury centre manager, Andy Turner said: "Traditionally, anyone who wanted to do an NVQ or Modern Apprenticeship would have to complete a portfolio of evidence which is completely paper based.

"This creates several problems, the major one being the physical weight of carrying the file around and storing it, especially at work.

"JHP can now offer a completely computer-based programme as an alternative to traditional paper-based method. Learners access their portfolio on line -- similar to logging into a bank account -- and can forward new evidence directly to their tutor and receive feedback much quicker". He added: "There are no cumbersome files for the learner to carry around and progress can be much quicker because they don't have to wait for a tutor to visit before their work is assessed."

Employers are expected to welcome the new electronic NVQ programmes as there is less need for workplace disruption due to day release or visits from tutors.

Staff who traditionally miss out on training because of out-of-hours shift patterns can now submit their evidence to the tutor by computer at their convenience and receive an almost instantaneous response.

Andy concluded: "When we fix this year's school leavers up with jobs with training, we will offer all of them the electronic NVQ package as 90 per cent of school work is completed on a computer. To ask for a paper-based portfolio is completely alien to them."