CLITHEROE Castle will echo to the sound of clashing swords when it hosts a medieval re-enactment day.

The free event has been organised by staff at Clitheroe Castle Museum and will take place near the castle keep on Saturday from 11am to 4.30pm.

Medieval soldiers will take part in jousting, there will be a blacksmith's forge and spit-roast, numerous games, including morris dancing, and the event will culminate in a grand battle.

Museum custodian Mary Hornby said: "This free event looks set to be great fun and everyone is invited to come along and join in."

Clitheroe Castle was built around 1186 by Robert de Lacy to protect the administrative centre of his vast estates.

It is said to have been the smallest keep in England, with rooms as small as 20 feet square.

The Castle Museum is open every day throughout the summer from 11am to 4.30pm.

Further details are available on 01200 424635 or 424568.