A COURT was told how a gang, including a man from Radcliffe, murdered a cannibis farmer, after holding him and his children hostage in a makeshift torture chamber.

Brian Waters, aged 44, his two grown up children and another man were alleged to have been tortured with a staple gun, whipped with canes and had molten plastic and caustic substances poured on their skin.

James Stuart Raven, aged 45, of Parnham Close, Radcliffe; Matthew Otis, 27, of Marple Road, Chisworth; John Godfrey Wilson, aged 54, of Melbourne Avenue, Manchester; and Ashley Guishard, aged 30, of York Road, Sale, deny murdering Mr Waters, of Mainwaring Close, Nantwich. Their trial began at Chester Crown Court yesterday.

They also deny conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm on Mr Waters, and another man, 21-year-old Suleman Razak. Raven also denies indecent assault.

Mr Patrick Harrington QC, prosecuting, said that Mr Waters' body had been found in the milking parlour of Burnt Hill Farm, Tabley, in June last year. He said Wilson had fallen out with Mr Waters, after having spent a number of years dealing in drugs, and he alleged that Wilson had orchestrated the murder, although he had not been there at the time.

He described how the four men had been involved in a reconnaissance mission, along with another man, Christopher More Jr, of Burford Lane Farm, Lymm, who is suspected of having fled to Spain.

Leading up to the attacks, Mr Harrington said that More, Raven and Guishard "trashed" the farmhouse, the upper floors of which were being used as a cannabis farm by Mr Waters, and stole electrical equipment used to grow the drug.

It is alleged that when Mr Razak came to tend to the plants he was beaten by masked men, dragged across to the barn, tied upside down to the ceiling beams and then dangled head first in a barrel of stagnant water, as well as being burned with chemicals and having his hair set alight.

When Waters arrived he too was beaten and taken to the barn, where "he was used as a human punchbag", being beaten with metal rods.

"He succumbed to his injuries, and, sat tied to a chair, in front of his son and daughter, he died," said Mr Harrington. Medical reports showed that Mr Waters had suffered 123 separate injuries.

The prosecution also allege that the men kidnapped Mr Waters' wife, Julie, and took her from the family home to the barn where she found her children tied up and her husband lying dead.

Mr Harrington said: "The psychological damage that Mrs Waters will suffer will be long enduring."

The gang were said to be demanding money and mentioned a sum of £20,000.


11 The case continues.

A COURT has heard how a cannabis farmer was murdered after he and his children were held hostage and beaten in a makeshift torture chamber.