A VISIT to Darwen Moorland High School led to a surprise reunion for prospective Parliamentary candidate Nigel Adams when he came face-to-face with his former teacher.

Mr Adams, who hopes to stand for the Conservatives in Darwen at the next General Election, had been invited on a tour of the school to find out how it had developed since a damning Ofsted report in February resulted in it being placed in 'special measures'.

Much to his surprise, when he was introduced to the new headmaster, Gareth Dawkins, he realised that more than 20 years previously he had been his teacher, too.

He said: "I asked him where he had previously taught. It transpired that Mr Dawkins had actually taught me O-level biology in the early 1980s while he was doing his teacher-training at Selby High School.

"Meeting with Mr Dawkins after more than 20 years was a great and unexpected surprise.

"What I remember the most about him is that he was an excellent rugby player and I believe at the time, he was playing for the First Division side Wasps, so he was something of a hero to all us sports-mad boys."

Mr Dawkins was equally surprised by the chance meeting and remembered Nigel as a schoolboy.

He said: "We didn't recognise each other but it all came out once I mentioned I had taught at Selby High. He used to sit next to the headteacher's daughter and was a good lad.

"I taught him during teaching practice while I was studying for my postgraduate certificate of education at York University.

"I must say we have both put on a bit of weight since then and gone grey. I only taught him for about ten weeks but it was nice to see him again."

Mr Adams was shown around the Moorland High by Mr Dawkins and school governor John Jacklin.

Mr Adams said: "I am very impressed with some of the changes that Gareth has implemented at Moorland High in the short space of time that he has been there.

"There seems to be a really positive buzz about the school. However, I did have to own up to him that whilst I excelled at sport, I actually failed biology, but I won't blame him for that!"

Labour MP Janet Anderson has also been invited to visit the school to view how it has progressed.