A HUNT was under way today for a man who has gone on the run after being accused of seven "unprovoked and violent" pub attacks.

Anthony Wright, 48, whose last known address was Burnley Road, Blackburn, is alleged to have entered two pubs wielding a meat cleaver and knife.

Several people claim they were left injured, including one man who says he was left with a cut head, another with a severed tendon in his hand and a third man with a back wound.

Wright is also accused of headbutting or punching two others.

The incidents are said to have taken place on August 20 last year in the Toll Bar Inn and Fountain Inn, Accrington Road, Blackburn.

Wright was arrested and charged with six serious assaults, including three of wounding with intent to endanger life. He also faces a public order offence charge. He was due to appear before Preston Crown Court on April 18, but failed to turn up. A warrant was issued for his arrest.

Police have contacted his family and friends and circulated his picture to all officers, but have not traced him.

Now they have taken the unusual step of releasing his details in the hope of finding him.

Detective Constable Kathryn Duckworth, from Blackburn's intelligence unit, said: "It is very important we track Wright down and put him before the courts. The offences were indiscriminate and violent and I urge anyone who knows him or who sees him to contact the police."

Call 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.