THE pupils of a devoted teacher who died when he was knocked off his bike as he cycled home from work joined family and friends at his funeral.

More than 150 people packed into Blackley Crematorium on Monday for a moving service to remember 44-year-old David Kerslake.

Sharples School, where Mr Kerslake was head of science, was closed for the day to allow pupils and colleagues to attend the funeral.

Among those paying tribute to father-of-one was Sharples headteacher Kevin Clarke, who said pupils E "thought the world of him".

"Dave was a fantastic teacher as well as a great friend and colleague to all those who had the privilege of working with him," he said.

Mr Clarke also read out cards that pupils at the school had written to Mr Kerslake's family, who live at Hackney Close, Radcliffe.

They paid tribute to "The best teacher in the world."

Mr Kerslake died on June 14 after a collision with a car in Crompton Way, Tonge Fold, as he cycled home to Radcliffe.

He was taken to Royal Bolton Hospital but died later of multiple injuries.

He leaves a wife, Jacquie, and a three-year-old daughter, Lydia Niamh.

Floral tributes flanked the coffin as the cortege arrived.

One inscription on the flowers read: "You'll always be in our thoughts and remembered for the happiness you brought into our lives.

"Words can't express how much we'll miss you."

Another, in the shape of a football and from the school's staff football team read: "There will only be one Dangerous Dave."

Colleagues from the science department sent an arrangement of flowers which included test tubes.

The non-religious service was opened by Coldplay's Yellow and featured other favourite pop songs of Mr Kerslake including Friends Will Be Friends, by Queen.

A statement by Mrs Kerslake, which was read by a family friend, detailed his love for sport, fell walking and fatherhood.

Mr Kerslake has been head of science for five years at the school and had previously taught at Broad Oak High School in Bury between 1984 and 1986. He moved to the town's Derby High School in 1986 until moving to Sharples in 1999.