A TRIP to France for 30 schoolchildren as a reward for good attendance was cancelled when their coach failed to turn up -- twice.

The excited Elton High pupils met up at midnight last Thursday, not long after England's defeat by Portugal in Euro 2004, to set off on the four-day excursion to Paris.

But they were still waiting at 1.30am and parents were eventually told to take their children back later in the morning. However, no replacement vehicle turned up at the school in Walshaw Road.

The coach firm said the vehicle had turned up at the wrong school, and denied suggestions that the driver may have been watching the England game instead of going for the children.

Disgruntled father Mr David Ives, of Cheviot Close, Walshaw, had waited with his daughter, Francesca.

He said: "She was pretty gutted. All of the children were, and we spent the whole weekend making up for the disappointment.

"We weren't told what had happened by the coach firm, and could only presume the driver had decided to watch the football and have a beer without telling anyone."

Teacher Gina Holt, who was organising the trip, made a series of telephone calls to find out what was happening on the night.

She said: "It obviously boils down to one person, the driver. People have speculated about what he was doing but we really don't know. We thought the coach might have broken down and expected him to be there the next morning, but he wasn't.

"The tour operator couldn't get in touch with him because his phone was switched off."

Middlesex-based Atlantis Coaches has accepted full responsibility, and have agreed to provide transport for a rescheduled trip in September.

The firm said it was investigating the matter, but that it appeared that the driver had parked at the wrong school.

A spokeswoman said: "Everyone at the office was shocked and we feel very sorry for the kids. We are investigating what happened and how it happened because obviously it is not acceptable. The driver had parked in the wrong place and had no charger for his mobile phone. He should have used a telephone box to get in touch. This is not satisfactory."

Asked about suggestions that the driver may have been watching the football, instead of driving to the pick-up point, she said: "I do know the driver and he absolutely hates football. He is probably one of the few people in the country not to have watched it. He hates all sport."

Suraj Ramdhun, tour organiser with London travel intermediary YOL, said the company would consider its relationship with the coach operator.

He said: "Their history with us was 100 per cent before this, but we are not at all happy with what has gone on. We have a few bookings already made, but will look at whether to use them again."