I WRITE in response to Mr Matthew Egan of the Rossendale and Hyndburn Amnesty International group (Letters, June 21).

He states that 74 per cent of asylum applications are made by people from countries where conflict is occurring and that asylum seekers are not coming to Britain because we are a soft touch.

Can I ask Mr Egan why these people are passing through numerous European "safe" countries, yet only claim asylum here. I argue it is because they know we are a soft touch and will get benefits and housing OK.

These people could claim asylum in France or Germany, where they would be safe, but they know they will not get benefits or housing there.

Mr Egan argues they may be sent home to face death. Well Mr Egan we cannot take all the world's refugees and should not be responsible for doing so, nor feel guilty about saying no to someone's asylum request.

ROY WALLBANK, Killington Street, Burnley.