I have just read your article on 'Street Soccer Kids' (LET June 22), having just returned home from work.

I am a driving instructor and during my last lesson of the day my pupil and I encountered three separate incidents of children running into the road to retrieve a football and this was in just one hour.

There has been a marked increase in the number of street football games since the start of Euro 2004. While I agree with the police point of view, a couple of common sense precautions will help to reduce any road traffic accidents.

As a driver, look out for children playing in the road especially after school. Look under parked vehicles for the tell tale feet of children. Be particularly cautious in quiet, residential areas.

As a parent, remind your children of the dangers of moving vehicles. Get them to look and listen before going on to the road. Encourage them to be constantly alert to these dangers.

In the third incident we encountered, an adult had thrown the football into the road and had then encouraged the child to collect it from there. I asked him to remember his responsibilities and he responded with verbal abuse. I only hope that his children don't joint the child casualty list.

P SHAW, Whalley Road, Great Harwood, Blackburn.