WHAT a load of rubbish quality of life officer John Barber and Clitheroe councillor Mary Robinson talked over children playing football in the streets (LET, June 15).

It is just not on that people should have to put up with noise, balls being slammed against walls of their property, children climbing over backyard walls to retrieve their balls, running through people's gardens, trampling down plants which have cost time and money and breaking windows.

Sometimes more than one football game is going on at the same time. When asked to tone it down, most times you get abuse.

Try talking to some of their parents, they are just as bad. Sometimes one can't hear the TV for all the noise going on outside.

People who have worked all day, and the elderly, don't want to listen to all this.

They want peace and quiet in their homes and gardens. When I was a girl, I was told by my parents "when you go out to play, keep the noise down as there are other people who also live around here besides you."

I suspect Coun Robinson and Mr Barber don't live in an area with these problems. Don't forget Mr Barber, adults also need quality of life.

As for maybe destroying our national game by stopping football in the streets, what utter rubbish.

Councils should be providing more football playing fields for children.

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Blackburn.