SHOCK tactics were used to ram home the message of road safety in a staged car crash.

A notorious traffic accident hot spot was the venue for the crash on Burnley Road, Padiham.

Emergency services were called to a scene where two cars crashed and then ploughed into a cyclist and pedestrians.

Actors from Accrington and Rossendale College took the roles of casualties in the event yesterday.

The event, organised by members of the Burnley Community Safety Partnership, was designed to raise awareness of the type of carnage caused on local roads each year by reckless driving, excess speed, drink driving and the non-wearing of seat belts.

Over the last three years, there have been seven serious and 97 slight casualties on Padiham Road.

Sgt Martin Bishop, chairman of the Burnley Community Safety Partnership Road Safety Action Group, said: "Last year 95 people lost their lives on Lancashire's roads, 13 of them in Pennine Division. This is a terrible toll which will have left 95 families and their friends distraught."