A TOP Burnley detective today vowed to cut street violence between rival gangs after three brothers were jailed for a total of 12 years for a vicious revenge attack.

Mahmood, Shahood and Masood Akbar were all sent to prison following a ten-week trial at Preston Crown Court.

Mahmood, 25, of Hilary Street, Burnley, was given six years for assault and violent disorder; Shahood, 32, of Farrer Street, Brierfield, five years for assault and violent disorder, and Masood, 24, also of Hilary Street, 18 months for violent disorder.

Police said the case was a prime example of how street fighting had reached unprecedented levels in Burnley and Nelson but that they were doing all they could to combat it.

They said the sentences should send out a strong message to others involved in gang violence that it would not go unpunished.

Detective Sergeant Dave Groombridge, of Pennine Division's Hate Crime Unit which led the case against the Akbar brothers, said: "We are experiencing high levels of overt street violence between gangs and it impacts on the vast majority of law-abiding people in the area. These people are the true victims of this violence.

"We will not put up with it and we are doing everything we can to put a stop to it.

"This case shows that the police will not tolerate street violence and will bring offenders who commit crimes like this before the courts where they will be dealt with vigorously."