OPPOSITION party leaders on Pendle Council today hit out at the Liberal Democrats after being invited to have a say on the running of the council - just a week after being excluded from the council's Executive.

Tory Councillor Tony Beckett and Labour leader Coun Frank Clifford have been invited to a meeting tomorrow by LibDem Coun Tony Greaves, to discuss their role in the council - now controlled by the LibDems.

The move follows last week's annual council meeting when the LibDems decided the 10-strong executive would consist entirely of the party's councillors.

Labour leader Coun Clifford, said if the LibDems wanted the opposition to have a say they could have elected a Labour and Conservative councillor on to the executive whilst still maintaining their majority. He said: "Tony Greaves is saying they want the opposition parties to have a say but they had the opportunity last week at the annual meeting when they decided to take everything in sight. It is a bit of afters, is this.

"Had they have been magnanimous and given the chairs of the scrutiny committees to the two opposition parties, still maintaining their majority, I would have respected them more.

"They have taken the lot and left nothing and now they have called us to a meeting to ask us what role we would like to play. It beggars belief to be honest. I shall go and I shall listen to what they have to say." Conservative leader Coun Beckett said he was not sure what to expect from the meeting.

He said: "I will accept the invitation and will go through curiosity to see what happens.

"I think it is a bit of spin. They are the majority party and are running the council and I think they should be getting on with the job."

Coun Greaves said the meeting with himself and council leader Alan Davies would give the opportunity to Labour and the Tories to tell them how they want a say in policy making and the ability to scrutinise and challenge the council.

He added: "We have promised the new council will be open in its decision-making."