THE headteacher of a Pendle high school said the school was to remain among the "have-nots" when it came to funding for improvements.

Speaking at the prize-giving evening at the school, Brendan Conboy, head of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More RC High School, in Colne, said the inclusion of three schools in Nelson and Brierfield in Lancashire County Council's bid for funding to transform secondary education in Burnley was good news.

But he said: "The much-wanted phase two, which would see desperately-needed building and refurbishment for our tired and inadequate buildings seems to have disappeared.

"More worryingly, the diocese's grant for major school improvement -- a fund that we were looking towards very hopefully -- has been cut dramatically.

"Once again the promised new money for schools really seems to mean re-distributed money, with Fisher More in danger of staying amongst the have-nots.

"A two-tier system with two shiny new schools with every 21st century facility alongside four schools struggling in out-dated dilapidated buildings would be disastrous."

Mr Conboy urged teachers, parents and governors to put pressure on their local politicians to ensure that all Pendle schools benefit from any future investment.


7A: Z Edmondson RE, science, history, form prize; K Holmes maths, history, IT, form prize; N Nutter science.

7C: E Bynert food technology, form prize; H Dootson art, music, IT; T Lawrence RE; N Milligan English, drama, music; L Sandamas PE, IT; N Thornton English.

7F: R Demaine RE, French, geography; J Emery drama; A Flory food technology; L Green music; R Johnson RE, history, PE, drama; E Nye French; P Roberts RE, science, French, geography; J Smith science, history, music, form prize; A Velleman French, history, geography, drama; E Wilkinson French.

7M: A Alton French, geography; J Clarkson RE, English, graphics, form prize; R Duxbury science; N Fogg English, maths, IT; V Gill PE; K Ogden technology; K Shaw PE.

7S: N Ahmed maths; A Bailey technology; N Clarke music; K Godfrey English, science, form prize; G Haida music; Z Hussain drama, IT; H Leaver geography, PE; A Nolan history.

7W: C Ackroyd form prize; K Elliott art; S Gjoderum-Symons PE; L Maree IT; E Stephenson maths; P Till drama.

8A: R Bradley Spanish; L Hetherington form prize; J Hindle French; C Khushi graphics; A O'Neill RE; A Robinson English, PE; D Thompson history; B Tullet graphics.

8C: A Benito drama; J Reynolds maths; C Rowan French, history, geography, form prize; E Stone RE.

8F: L Bannister drama; S Clarke maths; N Cummins history; C Duerden IT; D Goddard music, technology; J Heron science; L Holden PE; B Holleran IT; N Hussain English, science, history, geography, IT, form prize; L Potts RE; A Sarwar science; S Townend English, art, music technology.

8M: L Aspin PE; B Berry Spanish; J Brown drama, music; C Edwards PE, IT; J Harker RE; S Hurst RE, English, history, drama; J McGarvey drama; N McLoughlin science, geography, art, music, form prize; D Mottram PE; H Stansfield drama.

8S: K Adams maths, PE, IT, food technology; A Delaney RE, English, science, Spanish, geography, music, form prize; L Foulkes English, maths; P Hickey maths; T Howells history; S Muller food technology; S O'Brien French.

8W: B Dale French; L Haythornthwaite form prize; D Hind music; M Holmes form prize; C Humphrey Spanish; T Jee Spanish; J Kinsella French, geography; H Milne science; L Molloy maths, IT; J Reece French, geography, form prize; R Talmer Spanish.

9A: J Bynert maths, geography, form prize; S Chapman RE; S Crabtree history, drama; K Hill English, geography, food technology; C Holleran art; J Horry French; M O'Donnell English, maths, science, art, graphics; B Parkinson music; C Selby Spanish, history; L Wilkinson IT.

9C: O Billam form prize; H Brindle geography; L Cheung science; J Crossley IT; M Fogg history; S Garnett Spanish, geography, textiles; H Hancock IT; N Hillary RE, English, science, French; L Hodgeon technology; A Kelly PE; J Khushi English, food technology; P Khushi drama, music; S Pearson RE; A Robinson maths.

9F: D Dean geography; I Eccles PE; V Entwistle Spanish, form prize; D Khushi English, science, Spanish, history, drama, IT; D Lindsay RE; L Nolan PE; R Nolan maths; A Rickwood Spanish; S Ryan music.

9M: G Clarke PE; R Crosby geography; L Dunleavy Spanish, history; C Edmondson maths; A Haida textiles; N Holmes music, form prize; J Kirkbride science; J McCarthy graphics; A Mercer drama.

9S: S Ainsworth form prize; E Batley drama; J Hyatt French; S Stansfield French, drama; B Thompson RE; L Velleman English; S Wood RE, English, history, music, IT, technology, form prize.

9W: T Banks maths; E Carlile form prize; G Greene science; A Haythornthwaite music; R Nolan French; C Pain French; J Penswick PE; L Standing PE.

10A: C Davidson RE, form prize; H Davies science; R McCaigue RE, English, history; F Ogden English, French; P Trainer PE; R Waterhouse Spanish.

10C: E Banks art; K Fagan French; J Higgins science, IT, statistics; R Kelly PE, IT, food technology; T Loughery English; K McLoughlin science; L Nolan PE; R Parker English, form prize; T Parker English; J Pitman IT; L Thatcher RE, PE.

10F: S Cryer drama; D Hanslip PE; S Holden PE; S McGahon RE; S McLoughlin Spanish; V Nutter English, science, form prize; S Rhodes leisure and tourism; A Selby maths.

10M: R Anderson maths; H Aspin drama, music; A Brennan maths, art, form prize; M Cullen IT; J Laird maths; A Rowan French, PE; M Snowden RE.

10S: P Boocock IT; O Cayley technology; T Deehan maths; P Finnigen PE; J Gray geography; G Horsfall form prize; L Kendall RE; M Kubiszewski science; C McCarthy graphics; S Richards maths; D Taylor science; A Tullett French.

Trophies for Work and Effort: Year 7 A Velleman (7F); Year 8 D Hind (8W); Year 9 P Khushi (9C); Year 10 A Selby (10F).

Trophies for Community Service: Year 7 R Johnson (7F); Year 8 J Duffy (8S); Year 9 K O'Connor (9M); Year 10 L Muller (10S).