RIBBLE Valley MP Nigel Evans put aside the cut and thrust of Westminster politics to take part in the Round the Island Yacht Race at the Isle of Wight.

Mr Evans was one of six MPs, along with a member of the Great Britain Paralympic sailing team, who helped to crew the Chernikeef II/Skandia, skippered by Andy Cassell, Paralympic gold medallist in Sydney in 2000.

The MPs raised £55,000 in sponsorship for the British Paralympic Association, which needs more than £1million to send a team to Athens this summer.

Mr Evans was very much the novice in the crew - "here to serve the drinks," he insisted - though the skipper saw he had an important part to play in the safe passage of the Chernikeef II/Skandia.

Mr Evans will be further improving his maritime knowledge this year when he continues his part-time attachment to the Royal Navy by sailing with an anti-drugs patrol in the Caribbean.

This year's Round the Island Race involved nearly 1,800 boats of all sizes circumnavigating the Isle of Wight.

Crews faced wet and windy weather with Mr Evans and his fellow MPs braving a lumpy swell around the Needles lighthouse. Chernikeef II/Skandia completed the course in 5 hours 15 minutes to finish fourth in her class.